A Simple Guide on Being Productive

5 August 20220


Recently, the ASUU strike was extended to an extra FOUR weeks.  FOUR  more weeks of doing nothing effective other than sleeping and eating which is not advisable health-wise; because you need to always keep your body active. At CBC, we preach against doing absolutely nothing! Therefore, we have come up with a few things to keep you active, and at the same time, position you in a way to make money.

Being productive requires adopting a mindset of constant development. The amount of desirable good outcomes increases as your productivity increases. On that note, we decided to bring forward opportunities to everyone who is ready to grab it, which are:

  • Subscribe to our UI/UX training
  • Be a part of the Web Development training( FrontEnd, BackEnd and FullStack web development)
  • Make money by being a POST UTME past question retailer
  • Join our SAT class ( Details will be communicated shortly)


Some Nigerians whine and complain about the decisions made by the government, but those complaints won’t reverse the verdicts. Think ahead and be a smart Nigerian to turn this disappointment into an opportunity for you. Did you know that a country’s economy becomes more productive as the proportion of educated people increases since they can more efficiently carry out tasks that require literacy and critical thinking? How well a country’s economy will do depends in large part on how well-educated and trained its workforce is.

Individuals are exposed to possibilities because of education, and since they are exposed to these possibilities, people explore and take advantage of those opportunities, which makes things easier. There are more answers to life’s difficulties as a result of education’s exposure of people to various issues. “Treat every opportunity like a great opportunity, and you may find a few of them to be just that.”- JAMES CLEAR

We want you to take charge of your life and make great choices that will shape your future. Become one of the empowered Nigerians.

For more inquiries on programs, send a message to this number; 08165656179, 08162726997

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