Top 5 Digital Skills in Nigeria in 2021

19 August 20211

Digital skills are in high demand for managing information online due to the advancement in tech. There is a shift in the traditional work setting. People now work remotely, interact online, and execute tasks at their convenience. If you desire to be at the summit of your career, you need to hone digital skills in today’s workforce. Let’s start by considering what digital skill means. 

Digital skills refer to using digital tools, networks, and interactive applications to share and manage information. It involves utilizing digital tech to manage resources, create interactive media, and helping users meet their needs efficiently. Three critical terms are interchanged when people discuss digital skills. They are digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation. Their difference, though subtle, is vital to business growth. 

Digitization refers to the conversion or transformation of data to a digital format. In contrast, digitalization relates to the processes or methods involved in converting data to digital format. Digital transformation covers both digitization and digitalization. Digital transformation integrates tech to new or existing business processes to improve business operations, meet market requirements, and satisfy customers’ needs. 

Where can these terms be applied? They are applicable in job roles requiring digital skills. 

In this section, we consider the top digital skills in the Nigerian market: 

1. Web and app design

Coding is key to developing applications in tech. If you are interested in building quality websites for clients or managing a firm’s webpage, you need coding. Learning JavaScript, HTML, PHP, and CSS is a step towards web design. You also need to work on projects and collaborate with other developers to hone your skill. Web and app design is a top skill on job searching platforms like LinkedIn and angel list. 

2. Data analytics 

Businesses generate a lot of data. It is the job of a data analyst to organize and develop information required for business growth. Data analysts are in high demand due to the large amount of data available in business operations today. Data analytics involves a working knowledge of SQL, spreadsheets, machine learning, data visualization, data warehousing, critical thinking, and statistics. 

3. Digital marketing

Big tech companies have an online presence that is propagated through branding. Any business interested in promoting its brand needs a digital marketer. Digital marketers help create a positive message that supports the company’s values, connects with the user’s pain point, and narrates how a product satiates the user’s need. Digital marketing encompasses search engine optimization, search engine marketing, email marketing, organizing social media campaigns, advertising, and content creation. 

4. UI and UX design 

These concepts are used interchangeably but are different. Apart from marketing, a business needs to ensure users are satisfied with their products. UX design relates to building products based on a user’s needs. UI design relates to building an aesthetic visual interface for users to interact with a product satisfyingly. UX design focuses on content creation, testing and iteration, prototyping, and wireframing. UI design focuses on graphics, design research, animations, and UI prototyping. Businesses need UI/UX designers to give impressive experiences from the website to the first use of their products. 

5. Project management

Time management is essential to product management, but that’s just an appetizer for the main course. Project management deals with using tools and resources to achieve a business goal within the business constraints. Project managers must communicate effectively with team members, manage budgets, manage risk, and lead a team to accomplish its set goals. It is divided into three types: waterfall project management, agile project management, and lean project management.

Importance of digital skills as a Nigerian youth today

Civic Towers Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria by Nupo Deyon Daniel via Unsplash

Digital skills make work and business operations easy. Here are 7 importance of digital skills in the Nigerian labour market: 


Youths who acquire digital skills and upskill can adapt to the changes and advancements in tech. It enables them to work effectively and create unique business solutions. They can also collaborate with bigger teams on complex projects and work together with ease. 

Competitive advantage

Digital skills give you an edge in the labour market. You become an asset business sought. Your ability to utilize digital channels is profitable to corporations, reduces costs, and helps you demand higher pay. 


Business objectives involve maximizing profit and reducing waste. Youths can leverage digital systems to execute tasks within a short timeframe. For example, web devs utilize open-source software in solving problems. Project managers can use Trello for communicating with their teams and managing tasks. 

Track performance

The traditional workspace doesn’t give much room for recording and assessing results. With tools like Google Analytics, social media managers can monitor campaigns and areas for improvement. In addition, Google Trend provides marketers with data on recent events and occurrences. 

Job security 

Securing a job in Nigeria is difficult. Regardless, digital skills can help you secure a position within or outside the country. The digital economy boasts of startups and communities seeking to learn and grow while working on projects. 

Better decision making 

Data analytics, business analysts, and financial experts utilize analytic tools like spreadsheets to aid decision-making. 

Better communication

Digital skill improves your communication. You utilize tools like Slack, Microsoft teams, Miro, and Google meet for teamwork. The tools make communication efficient and require no physical meeting. 

Increased productivity

Proper training on how to use digital skills can improve your productivity at work. For example, documents stored in an online cloud are easily accessible compared to paper documents. 

Builds a good customer relationship

Consumers shop online always. Digital skills like marketing, UI/UX design can help you connect with them, create a memorable experience, and sell your products. Consumers who really enjoy your product generate awareness about it on social media and discuss its value function.  

Final Thoughts

The global economy is digital. People from different walks of life collaborate online, thanks to the internet. To engage in the digital economy, you need digital skills. If you are looking to pick a career, digital skills are essential. Consider these resources below for more career info: 

IT jobs in Nigeria (Jobberman)

IT jobs in Nigeria (Glassdoor)

One comment

  • QuinneTee

    30 August 2021 at 12:06

    Well said😍💥


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