Cost Calculator

Item Type
Type 1
This is item type 1 - $50
Type 2
This is item type 2 - $100
Number of Items ($1)
Include Shipping ($10)
[bt_cost_calculator total_text=”Total” time_text=”Preferred Service Time” date_text=”Preferred Service Date” accent_color=”” currency=”$” currency_after=”yes” show_next=”yes” cf7_id=”” admin_email=”” subject=”This is email subject” email_client=”yes” email_confirmation=”” url_confirmation=”” m_name=”Mandatory” m_email=”Mandatory” m_phone=”” m_address=”” m_message=”” show_booking=”yes” m_date=”Mandatory” m_time=”Mandatory” time_start=”08:00″ time_end=”19:00″ rec_site_key=”” rec_secret_key=”” paypal_email=”” paypal_cart_name=”” paypal_currency=”” el_class=”btDarkCC” el_style=”” separator=”” total_format=”currency_1″ total_decimals=”1″ currency_space=”” hide_total=”” next_text=”” no_next=”” date_format=”” time_format=”24″ email_gdpr=”” email_gdpr_text=”” email_gdpr_not_text=”” email_header=”” email_footer=””][bt_cc_group eval=”var type = $1; var number_items = $2; var shipping = $3;var result = number_items * type + shipping * number_items * 1.5;return result;” paypal_label=”” item_el_id=”” item_el_class=”” item_el_style=””][bt_cc_select name=”Item Type” description=”” value=”Type 1;50;This is item type 1 – $50 Type 2;100;This is item type 2 – $100″ initial_value=”1″ images=”” img_height=”” condition=”” item_el_id=”” item_el_class=”” item_el_style=””][/bt_cc_select][bt_cc_slider name=”Number of Items ($1)” description=”” value_min=”0″ value_max=”10″ value_step=”1″ value_unit=”1″ value_offset=”” initial_value=”5″ condition=”” item_el_id=”” item_el_class=”” item_el_style=””][/bt_cc_slider][bt_cc_switch name=”Include Shipping ($10)” description=”” value_off=”0″ value_on=”10″ initial_value=”” condition=”” item_el_id=”” item_el_class=”” item_el_style=””][/bt_cc_switch][/bt_cc_group]
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