How Motunrayo got a 5.0 GPA with Catalyst Tutorials.

28 July 20210

Over the years, lots of students have passed through our doors. Today we sat down with Motunrayo, a former student at Catalyst Tutorials, to hear about her experiences with us. Motunrayo is a graduate of the Engineering department at the University of Lagos. Here’s what she had to say;


Q: Could you tell us a bit about yourself?

My name is Motunrayo Fatunbi, and I’m 23. I’m a recent graduate from Unilag, and I currently work as a junior engineer at a construction firm.

Q: So, what’s your history with Catalyst?

I first heard about Catalyst Tutorials in my 100l first semester, I think. We had all just finally got into the university. Many friends and I were looking for a place to get extra lessons with some of our courses. Catalyst Tutorials was one of the names that frequently came up, so I decided to check it out.

Q: What happened when you found Catalyst?

I signed up immediately. I remember the first class we had that evening was free. We went over some of the courses, and I sat through the session for that evening. The tutor explained some of the concepts in PHS 101, that’s General Physics, and I was just stunned at how easily he could explain them. I found myself wondering if I would ever get to the level.

Q: Were you always an A student?

Haha, no, definitely not. Like I said, I was amazed by the tutors. It was their ability that even convinced me to sign up in the first place. Back then, I didn’t consider myself a top student based on my experiences in secondary school. I mean, I knew I was smart, but I didn’t think I was an A student at the time.

Q: So, what changed for you?

To be honest with you, Catalyst Tutorial had a significant impact in changing my perception of myself as a student. I realized that my problem wasn’t my ability. I just needed that extra push. The way the tutors would break down complex topics that had eluded me with simple words gave me that confidence that I needed. Having that opportunity to solve assignments and past questions ahead of class helped me as well. I was able to take those habits with me even after I stopped attending the tutorials.

Q: How long did you attend Catalyst?

I attended catalyst tutorials through year one and my first semester of year two.
Q: What impact would you say Catalyst has made in your life.
For me, the biggest thing was the confidence boost. I never thought I could graduate with a first-class. It wasn’t even something on the table for me. But you know, that first semester in 100L changed a lot for me.

Thanks to the Monday and Wednesday evening classes, I got a 5.0 in my first year, which really encouraged me to take my academics seriously.

Q: What are some of the things you’ve learned from Catalyst or some take-aways you’ve gotten

First and foremost is confidence. Through Catalyst, I gained self-confidence. You have to believe in yourself. The people you think are better than you don’t have two heads. You just have to put in the work.
Secondly, I learned to be hard working. I’m not sure these days because it’s been a while since I’ve been to Catalyst.

Still, even though he owed the business back then, the Catalyst himself would often teach us personally, and that’s something that stuck with me. It was also something I noticed in the tutors. Some of my tutors were also students, and they would preach to us about the importance of hard work and studying. So, it was an environment that promoted a good work ethic, and I latched on to and tried to emulate that.

Q: Do you have a message for younger students?

I think I would want to tell the next generation to believe in themselves. Anything is possible if you’re willing to do the work. Sign up with Catalyst Tutorials. You will learn a lot. It is easy to pass, but it’s also easy to fail. You have to be serious about what you want.

If you’re looking for tutorials for undergraduate and 100l students, contact Catalyst Tutorials today. Between our excellent track record, online facilities, highly skilled tutors, and spacious learning spaces, we have all you need to create your own success story.


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